Day 75. Topic = Lookie There!
I think it is related to the weather, but the blog is growing rapidly! I started a twitter last night so come share some tweets with me @1Girl365Clicks. Right now I only have 10 followers, but that happened overnight, which is awesome! You can also follow me on Pinterest (Alexandria Reagon) and I have a couple of blog photos on there. Other people have been sharing my blog too. On Facebook there is a handful and on Pinterest there's a good number. It is amazing how it has became and that is because of YOU! So thanks a bunch! Okay, I'll describe the photo now. It is a photo of my brothers again. We were on the deck looking at the creek and we saw the ducks again! Well, we see them about everyday but we always stop and look at them. Oh, and one more thing, Has anyone noticed what I have added on the side of the page? I hope it comes in handy! I am going to *try* to figure out how to add a follow button for Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest but I can not figure it out yet! If you know how, PLEASE email me!