
March 31st 2012

Day 91. Topic = Robin.

We had the birthday boy's party today. Robin themed birthday was what was requested. He was complete with the cake and shirt. Now he is a big 5 year old, I feel old now!


March 30th 2012

Day 90. Topic = More and More.

This is a story of a turtle (as shown in yesterdays post). The turtle's name is E.T. Armstrong and he is finally not shy today. This was the best photo of the day.
Ahhh, a nice morning stretch, silly turtle.
E.T. Armstrong just basking in the sun.
Hmm, can we make it over this giant flip-flop?
We made it! I love how bug-eyed his eyed are.
E.T. Armstrong says "ta ta for now!"


March 29th 2012

Photo Number 89. Topic = YAY!!!

This is Yoda! As you can tell, I LOVE him!! I found him in the driveway this afternoon and now he is my new little pet. I wonder how long I will actually be able to keep him...He is a yellow belly slider and only about two inches big. I am so excited about him!!!
**His name has now been changed to E.T. Armstong**


March 28th 2012

Day 88. Topic = Inching Along.

Yep, the photo for today is an inch worm. He was a cute inch worm, though. My mom had found him then I took him to take some photos. He did not want to stay still long enough apparently, leaving me with this picture.


March 27th 2012

Day 87. Topic = Moon.

This picture does absolutely no justice for what the moon looked like when I took the picture. I *really* wish I had some super fancy giant camera, but I don't. I use what I have so sometimes that just means I get to play around with some editing.


March 26th 2012

86. Topic = Patrick.

Today was Mr. Patrick's birthday, and now he is a big 5 year old. I can not believe it was 5 whole years ago that I came home from school and know that I would finally have a brother after 10 years. This picture is of Pat trying out his new bike!
Cupcake time! Every birthday is filled with Chinese food and cupcakes!!


March 25th 2012

Day 85. Topic = Another Week Ahead.
It was another good, old Sunday. I love Sundays because they are usually filled with family, friends, and church. I love this shot because of the vibrant colors of the leaves on the Japanese Maple tree. Well, tomorrow there is a birthday in my household so get ready!


March 24th 2012

84. Topic = Darkness.

This picture has no editing at all. The sky was actually this dark. This was right before there was a big storm. CRAZY weather in NC.


March 23rd 2012

Day 83. Topic = Bread.

I made whole wheat french bread today and I now fully respect all people who make bread. It took ALL day. But, it is yummy in the end. I was about to put the bread in the oven so, is it turned to 400 degrees? Check.
Let's make sure. Yep, defiantly at 400.
Oh delicious goodness is on the way!!


March 22nd 2012

#82. Topic = Just Keep Swimming...
I am now pretty impressed that this picture is up on here today. I have been trying for 30 minutes to get it to show up and it hasn't. ARRRRGGGHHHH! This has NOT been a good computer day for me! Okay, the pity party is over. I took this photo of the geese in our backyard in the creek this morning.


March 21st 2012

Day 81. Topic = Facepalm!

I feel stupid. Like, completely idiotic. About a hour ago I was rushing around the house trying to figure out what to take a picture of for today. After taking a picture that really wasn't that good, I got on my computer and I realized, I did take a photo earlier. BRAIN FART TO THE EXTREME. But, the photo is here. I have definitely loved everything about Spring so far, and it is only the second day!


March 20th 2012

Day 80. Topic = Breaks Around the Corner.
Happy spring everyone! Now lets get started on that spring cleaning list...


March 19th 2012

Photo 79. Topic = Willowbrook.

Today was a errand-running day. We stopped by a park and Robert decided to swing on the swings but he wanted me to push him. I took this while we were walking over to the swings. As you may be able to tell, I am LOVING this weather!!


March 18th 2012

#78. Topic = Greenhouses.
My Grandad recently made my mom two mini greenhouses. I planted the seeds and we have already been watching these plants grow so quickly. This is a photo of the light bulb that keeps the plants warm with the squash plants underneath.  


March 17, 2012

Day 77. Topic = Antiques.
 I love antiques. I guess it's one of those random things. Something about them is just so welcoming. Well, this is a simple picture of a door knob and I love it. And that's about it!


March 16th 2012

Photo 76. Topic = Waiting For My Prince.

I bought these shoes a couple of days but I only started to wear them yesterday to break them in for a fancy event tonight. I love them and I feel like they match a bunch of my clothes even though they probably don't and it is just that new feeling of wearing them makes me giddy. Being a girl, I just had to take a picture! At the time I took the picture I was putting my scooter up and I thought it looked neat.


March 15th 2012

Day 75. Topic = Lookie There!

I think it is related to the weather, but the blog is growing rapidly! I started a twitter last night so come share some tweets with me @1Girl365Clicks. Right now I only have 10 followers, but that happened overnight, which is awesome! You can also follow me on Pinterest (Alexandria Reagon) and I have a couple of blog photos on there. Other people have been sharing my blog too. On Facebook there is a handful and on Pinterest there's a good number. It is amazing how it has became and that is because of YOU! So thanks a bunch! Okay, I'll describe the photo now. It is a photo of my brothers again. We were on the deck looking at the creek and we saw the ducks again! Well, we see them about everyday but we always stop and look at them. Oh, and one more thing, Has anyone noticed what I have added on the side of the page? I hope it comes in handy! I am going to *try* to figure out how to add a follow button for Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest but I can not figure it out yet! If you know how, PLEASE email me!


March 14th 2012

74. Topic = Just Singing All Day.
The weather is in it's 80's today and it is still winter. I have been wearing shorts, flip-flops, and tank tops in this crazy weather. I keep on humming "Sweet Summer Time" in my head! With the sun in my eyes, I took this picture in the car, feeling summer-ish. Anyone else enjoying this weather as much as me?


March 13th 2012

Day 73. Topic =  Half Asleep

I am so not wanting to type. I guess it has been a long day, I will be going right to bed after this! This photo was actually taken at one of my amazing follower's house. See, this is why you should take the time to hit follow! She was mentioned and you might be too! I cannot tell if you are looking at my blog if you do not hit follow! Okay, just wanted to put that out there. This photo is sort of creepy with a touch of lonesome.


March 12th 2012

Day 72. Topic = Staying Outside.

My brother thinks he is cool. He is very unique, I'll give him that. The outfit he is wearing is an outfit that is nothing out of the ordinary. The cape is a necessary accessory every single day. No matter where we go, church, dentist's office, grocery store, the cape goes with us. The cape is, and I quote, "I am bluuuue Batman!!". That statement is usually followed by lots of "Bangs!" and POW!" as he swings his fists like he is pretend fighting. Notice also the fireman rain boots that are also the everyday attire.


March 11th 2012

#71. Topic = To the Grandparents House We Go!
Today was a day for a trip to my Grandparents house. After eating and talking to family members, I went outside, intending to take photos. I took this photo of the clothespins and I love it! Something about it just catches my eye.
My friend Leia and I found a beetle!!
This is the sign that my Granddad puts out every summer that way people know that his buisness selling plants and tomatos is open.
I love flowers so much!


March 10th 2012

Day 70, Topic = Speed of Light.

Another day where I can not type much and I am so sorry for that!! Well, here is the photo! Enjoy!!


March 9th 2012

Day 69. Topic = Ignore the Cages.

Today was a field trip day. A field trip to the Conservators Center to be exact. As mentioned in the topic, ignore the cages, I can only get so close to animals that are 5 times my size! First off the lions. They were all pretty lazy, but I understand. I would not want to have to preform for EVERY tour group!
This female lion looked like she ruled this place!
The red fox was about to get some fish. By the looks on his face, it was going to be good.
The tiger was pretty relaxed too, but made sure he was staying clean.
And lastly, the Serval. This was one of my favorite pictures of the day, mainly because I thought it was funny! I had so much fun as always, but if you need something to do one day, go there! You won't regret it!!


March 8th 2012

Photo Number 68. Topic = Bowling.

I can not bowl. I am absolutely horrible at it. It is worse than Superman with Kryptonite. Yes, I am THAT bad at bowling. But, I went today. I got to see some amazing people, you know who you are, and had fun watching almost every single ball of mine go in the gutter.
The collection of bowling balls that mock me. As you may be able to tell, there is a love/hate relationship between bowling and myself.


March 7th 2012

67. Topic = More and More.

Everyone takes pictures of flowers. I do it often, so many times that I can not think of all of them. But, taking a photo of a flower at night with the flash on? That is a new one for me. Honestly, I am feeling like a cool kid right now because of this picture. It's the little things in life I love the most!


March 6th 2012

# 66. Topic = A Lawyer?

I am extremely tired. After a long day of snowboarding, my face is sun burnt so I look like a tomato. Oh well, I had fun. Again, I did not bring the valuable camera on the slopes, so I took some photos at the hotel. This is a tree that was on the side of this little pond.
Speaking of a pond, a sign that reads pond. Well it actually said " Pond Off Limits". But I like this photo. Mainly because I can see three duck in a row on the right side of the photo.
After some photo taking and relaxing, we went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant. They gave us fortune cookies, and mine read "You would make a good lawyer". Are they encouraging me to argue? Hmm, I must be good at it.


March 5th 2012

Picture 65. Topic = Oh How I Love Snow!

I went snowboarding again today and I will also be snowboarding all of tomorrow. if you have not noticed, I love snow. I guess when you are a southerner and have lived in NC all your life, you like snow because it is not common. Either way, it is wonderful. This photo is of some icicles that were hanging under a outside table at the hotel.
This photo is of a rocking chair, of course it is covered in snow! And snow all around! It makes me giddy!


March 4th 2012

Day 64. Topic = It is Cold Without My Jacket.

This photo was a lucky shot. I went on a scooter/my brother chooses a random toy to ride on ride. All of the sudden it had gotten a lot darker. I knew it was because of clouds but I did not expect to turn around and see this. This is personally a favorite of mine now.
This was the look I get from Patrick after he crashes into me after taking the first picture.
"Alex! We are about to go down the big hill!"
This is the face you get when you go down the hill to fast on a little plastic toy and fall. You also get your jacket stolen because he said, and I quote, "I don't need a jacket; I'm already wearing a sweater!". After he fell he realized that it was cold and indeed he DID need a jacket, so he wanted mine...
Even after he steals my jacket, he still is so darn cute!